Milton Campis of the Jiu Jitsu Dummies

Milton Campis of the Jiu Jitsu Dummies

Milton Campis of Coral Springs Florida is the Creator and Host of the 'Jiu Jitsu Dummies Podcast', Owner of JJD Podcast Consulting, and the Chairman of 'The Jiu Jitsu Dummies Foundation'.  His work with WeDefy has been crucial in helping Oath Takers improve their lives with BJJ.
He is a purple Belt out of Fight Sports Coral Springs FL.
Do you Serve or have you Served in the Military Law enforcement or as a First Responder? If so when and where?
I have not served in the military but I'm surrounded by incredible veterans like my father, podcast co-hosts, and training partners like so many others who train Jiu-Jitsu. I was so inspired by those around me that I became an Ambassador for the We Defy Foundation. I take every opportunity to talk about how they help wounded combat veterans on my podcast. It's an honor to represent the foundation.

How Did You Begin Your Jiu Jitsu Journey? Where are you now on your Journey? Where do you train now?
I began my journey in Margate Florida at a small newly opened gym run by a family friend right before my 41st birthday. I quickly became addicted and was training 6 times a week, 2 or more hours per day. Fast forward I'm now a 47-year-old Purple belt training out of Fight Sports Coral Springs in South Florida under Felipe and Sophia Amarante, both whom received their Black Belts from Master Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu.
What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)?
Every single one of my neck and back therapy devices. Yep, I'm the guy who's buying all of those little gadgets in our Instagram feeds. I think I'm single-handedly supporting these companies. Don't tell my wife!

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?
In my late 30's I left a job making almost $200,000 per year to run my first t-shirt business. I quickly realized I couldn't run the business and pay my personal bills so I had to swallow my pride and go back to work for the same person in less than a year. That experience and eventually going to work for a television production company lead me to open and run my own marketing agency for 8 years. I've been able to take the knowledge I have picked up along the way to successfully market the 'Jiu Jitsu Dummies Podcast' and make it one of the most-watched and downloaded Jiu-Jitsu Podcasts in less than 2 years all without a famous co-host.

What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
I have to say the investment of time and energy into the 'Jiu Jitsu Dummies Podcast' is by far the most worthwhile investment I have ever made in my life. The only thing I love more than training Jiu-Jitsu is talking about Jiu-Jitsu. Getting paid to do it is a huge plus.

What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?
My daughter said I love to fart but I say it's when I hear someone say something that matches lyrics from a song I know, I start singing the song, badly. I also like to dance like a ballet dancer in the supermarket to embarrass my family. Dancing like I'm in the movie West Side Story works too. They all seem to disappear quickly.

In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?
In the last few years, learning to spend more time with my wife and family has incredibly changed my life. I've had to learn to put the phone down, put the computer away, and go to bed earlier. Sometimes owning your own business can be overwhelming. I have to constantly remind myself that there is more to life than the work, the podcast and yes, Jiu-Jitsu...sorry brothers and sisters but don't learn the hard way. In the end, all we have is the time we spent with our loved ones. No one looks back and regrets not posting more selfies to Instagram.

What advice would you give to a smart, driven student new to Jiu Jitsu. What advice should they ignore?”

It might sound cliche, but, be patient and enjoy the journey. Jiu-Jitsu isn't about the belts, its about humility, about meeting new people, it's about learning healthy habits...focus on the day of training in front of you and make it a point to get just a little bit better each day. I think we could all take that advice and apply it to so many other parts of our lives. For all the big guys like me training Jiu-Jitsu, ignore the people out there tell you not to use too much strength. I wouldn't tell someone who is extremely flexible not to use their flexibility. Smash and pass baby!!

“What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?”
"They'll figure it out". It's the thing that makes me cringe the most in the world of marketing. Training is key. You can't drop someone into a position they know nothing about and expect them to excel and succeed. Days can get hectic, but focusing on sharing past successes and failures is key to a new trainee's success. I don't care how educated you are in your field, knowledge of the product, services, and how they are delivered now and in the past are some of the most important tools we can pass along.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)”   
Music is key for me. Whether it's in the office, in my car after a long day, or when I'm tired after a hard roll, music is the thing that gives me my second wind. Its the one thing next to jiu-jitsu that can completely wipe away the stress of the day. A little Linkin Park on the mats, or a little 90's R&B in the car does the trick.
Shout out to JJD podcast Sponsors and Foundation Supporters:

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