How do I provide feedback on bad  Jiujitsu without looking like a jerk??

How do I provide feedback on bad Jiujitsu without looking like a jerk??

It's important to approach any situation where you need to provide feedback to someone with tact and respect. Telling someone that they "suck" at Jiu Jitsu can come across as harsh and may not be the most effective way to communicate your thoughts.

Instead, you can offer constructive feedback in a supportive manner. You can start by acknowledging the efforts that the person has put into their Jiu Jitsu practice, and then provide specific areas where they could improve. For example, you can say something like:

"I can see that you're really committed to Jiu Jitsu, and I appreciate your effort. However, I've noticed that you're struggling with certain techniques, such as (specific technique). Perhaps you could focus on (specific aspect of the technique) to improve in this area."

By offering specific feedback, you can help the person understand where they need to improve without being overly critical. Additionally, you can offer to work with the person to help them improve in these areas. This will show that you're invested in their growth and development, rather than just criticizing their skills.

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